Thursday, June 28, 2012

Gel Fireplaces: A Fantastic Choice for Any Home

Check out this great article highlighting the benefits and versatility of gel fireplaces. Visit our website ( to see why you can put Hearth Cabinet's ventless gel fireplaces virtually anywhere!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wood-Burning Fireplaces Contribute Up to 33% of Airborn Particulate Pollution

This is a great article highlighting the hazardous and polluting effects of wood-burning fireplaces. Imagine how much cleaner the air would be if everyone had an eco-friendly clean-burning Hearth Cabinet Ventless Fireplace!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

10 Fun Uses for Old or Off-Season Fireplaces

Check out these fun DIY uses for old or off-season fireplaces. Do you have an old fireplace but can't use it? Hearth Cabinet can retro-fit your existing opening with our ventless fireplaces to get you back up and running!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Oddly Difficult Definition of 'Flame' Engenders Contest

Have you ever had to define the word 'Flame'? Apparently this
is a difficult task for even the most educated scientists. To see
who could best answer this complex question, actor Alan Alda,
created a contest to be judged by 11-year-olds. The New York
Times has the full story and link to the winning submission below.